The Promise is to You

Prayer Ministry: Receiving What God Has For You

Prayer ministry is a unique way of receiving God’s blessings. Anyone can bring the prayers of their heart to a team of prayer ministers, so that together they can intercede. Jesus said, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Mt 18:20).

To receive the most from prayer ministry, come with an open heart and open mind. Tell the prayer ministers what you would like Jesus to do for you. They will pray with you, either in English, in tongues, or both.

Be attentive to what the Holy Spirit is doing in your heart while they pray.

You may feel peace, hear His voice, gain new perspective, receive new hope, experience healing, or experience a myriad of other ways that He wants to minister to you.

If you do not notice anything obvious, do not worry. Just as a farmer plants seeds but it takes time for them to break through the surface, you can be assured that Jesus is working under the surface in your life. In time, His work will bear fruit.

If the prayer ministers receive a prophetic word or vision, they will share that with you. However, prayer ministry is not spiritual direction, teaching, counseling, or anything else except prayer, so do not seek answers from them.

The prayer ministers are conduits of God’s grace; it is He who is the answer to your prayers.

It’s important to always thank God for what He is doing in you. No suffering is wasted: “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God” (Rom 8:28). Praise the Lord!

Prayer Ministry Testimonies:
*Lynda Lehr had a cancerous mass on the side of her forehead for over a year. Everyone could see it. She received prayer ministry at Upper Room for healing. The next day, the mass began to shrink. Over the next few days, it disappeared completely. Her oncologist marked it in his records as a miracle. Thanks be to God!

*At the Healing Service, there was a word of knowledge that someone was so lonely they wished they were dead. A woman there thought immediately of a friend who had recently said that. In fact, just before the Service he had called her a few times pleading with her to come visit him in rehab, where he was recovering from a stroke. However, later during the Service he left a message that he was going to be fine, and not to worry about coming. Since then, he still enjoys visitors, but she’s noticed a stark difference in how he can let go and is fine if someone doesn’t come every day. After a few weeks’ observation, she thinks the word of knowledge was for him and has been fulfilled. Praise God!

Prayer ministry is available at Upper Room’s Praise & Worship on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. All are welcome to come!

By Christy Whiting, Upper Room Director. This article first appeared in the January 2018 edition of CTK’s The Open Door newsletter.

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