Photographer Melanie Reyes will be coming to Upper Room on Friday, Jan. 11, to take photos for us. We’ll then be selecting some of the photos to have on hand for use in future parish publications. If you would prefer that photos with identifiable images of you and/or your children not be included in the […]
God has really been moving very powerfully in Upper Room these past few months. Friday [Oct. 23,] Debra Herbeck had a powerful prophetic word from the Lord that really spoke to many of our hearts. I was so personally moved I couldn't even open my eyes. Here it is:
"The Lord says, Stay close to Me. Remain in Me. The days are coming, says the Lord, when you will be tempted to run here and there, to look to the right and to the left. You will be tempted to doubt and to fear, to speak of things that you do not know. You'll be tempted to turn your eyes away from Me.
"And even now I tell you, stay close to Me, My beloved son and My beloved daughter. Lean into Me. Be rooted and grounded in love. Stand firm on the promises that you know and pray for the grace to be more firmly and deeply rooted in those that you do not yet believe. I want you so close to Me, says the Lord, that our hearts beat as one, that you know the embrace of your loving Father even in the midst of hardship and trial and storm.
"Draw near, says the Lord. Draw nearer than you've ever been before. Come and find Me, says the Lord, for I am waiting here for you."
- Hearing God
- Healing the sick
- Prophetic art
- God's Kingdom
- Mission