Our vision at Upper Room is to foster life in the power of the Holy Spirit under the lordship of Jesus Christ in the love of the Father through weekly events, including the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, charismatic prayer, teaching, music, fellowship and service. Responding to St. John Paul II’s call for a new evangelization, we aim to equip people to become effective witnesses to the Gospel.
How Upper Room Started
(written in June 2012 by Christy Whiting)
“A great wave of my Spirit is coming….The first swells are already here.
The wave and the crest are not far off. Seek me out and be ready.”
~from a prophetic word given at the Pentecost weekend prayer meeting, May 25, 2012
The Holy Spirit has begun moving in new, unexpected ways at Christ the King. This prophecy is one of dozens that anticipate even greater things to come. Many of us have begun praying and fasting about how to respond. I invite you to read what has been happening, learn about our plans, and pray about how the Spirit would like you to be involved.
The Backstory
Last November, Doug Helderop and I joined a number of other Christ the King parishioners at The Charism School hosted by Sacred Heart Major Seminary. It was taught by Damian Stayne, of the Cor Et Lumen Christi Community. He taught us how to grow in the charismatic gifts, particularly the gifts of prophecy, faith and healing.
A Miracle Healing Service was held during the conference. Approximately 450-500 people attended. We were amazed as 90 of these people reported immediate physical healing! We watched as people who had slowly hobbled in with crutches and walkers went running up the aisles, carrying their crutches! People who had impaired vision were able to read the fine print in the song books for everyone to hear. A priest who could barely walk due to a lower back problem was healed and able to run again. A young woman who’d barely been able to turn her neck for nine years was able to move it freely and without pain. A good friend of ours whose fingers would lock when he gripped anything was suddenly able to move his fingers freely.
We were given a glimpse of God’s power…and we are still amazed. The conference closed on the Feast of Christ the King. We rededicated ourselves and our parish to Christ the King. And He has been giving Himself to us in amazing ways since then.
At the end of the Charism School, many of us who had attended from CTK decided that we would like to stay in touch to continue learning about and growing in the charisms. Peter Williamson and Olga Ortiz began coordinating the group.
The day after the conference ended, Olga called Doug and me. She said that she and Peter sensed prophetically that it was time to pass this along to “younger generations”. They asked if Doug and I would consider leading this group.
Olga and Peter did not know that over the weekend Doug and I had each individually sensed a call to this type of ministry. We prayed and talked about what the Lord would have us do, and ideas began pouring out quickly. We met with our group from the Charism School and discerned that the Lord was calling us to move forward.
Wanting to work in union with what the Lord is already doing at CTK, Doug and I met with Dcn. Dan Foley, who heads the Spiritual Life Commission, and with Dolly Foley and Dr. Mary Healy who head the Charismatic Sub-group of this Commission. They told us that they too had sensed that the Lord is about to do something new, something that would particularly involve “younger generations”. They asked us to consider the wider question of how to foster charismatic life not only for our small group, but for our whole parish.
What We Have Heard and Seen
Literally every week since the Charism School ended 7 months ago, numerous people have come to us with similar prophetic words, confirming what we have been hearing from the Lord:
“The Lord is about to move soon in a new and powerful way.”
“He is coming with many blessings, not only for us but for the greater Church and world around us.”
“He wants to stir up the charismatic gifts.”
“Healings will be a big part of this.”
“God wants to reach out to younger generations.”
We have not sought out these prophecies. Most have come through people who have not known anything about what we are working on. (*Note: as of Oct. 8, 2012, we are still receiving these prophetic words from others each week.)
At the Friday night prayer meetings, we have seen the Lord move in somewhat hidden yet powerful ways. He has been healing many hearts. He has been touching people through prayer ministry. We are growing in our ability to praise and worship. We are being rooted and grounded in God’s love.
This is love is not just for ourselves. Love by its nature reaches out to the beloved, so God’s love, by its nature, desires to reach out to our sinful and suffering world. Many people have shared that the Lord is giving them a new confidence, courage and boldness in evangelism. There is a strong sense that we are being prepared for battle, equipped with the most powerful weapon in this spiritual war: God’s love.
New life is being breathed into CTK. And the Lord keeps saying that He has “more”.
This Isn’t Just Happening Here
The Holy Spirit appears to be empowering the Church around the world in new ways.
Here in the Diocese of Lansing, Bishop Earl Boyea just released his first pastoral letter, “Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord“. On being disciples of Jesus, he wrote, “We likewise must allow the Holy Spirit to take us beyond our normal lives and go where we have never gone before.” (paragraph 12) Echoing the prophetic word we’ve heard at CTK, he said, “The young particularly demand our attention.” (paragraph 20) He also invited the faithful to consider joining the Charismatic Renewal. (paragraph 32)
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the USCCB, said that a sleeping giant has awakened as the Church fights for freedom of religion. The US Bishops are unified in leading the faithful in this pivotal battle. The faithful are responding and rising up all over the nation with a new awareness of the need to truly live their faith.
The International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) just released a definitive document, “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”. Co-authored by Dr. Mary Healy, this document discusses the meaning and significance of baptism in the Spirit and is a key resource for those wishing to grow in the Spirit. Recent ICCRS newsletters have also issued a new call for evangelism, particularly of younger generations.
For the whole Church throughout the world there is the call of our popes, Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, to a new evangelism. Pope Benedict XVI stated, “There is an urgent need for the emergence of a new generation of apostles anchored firmly in the word of Christ, capable of responding to the challenges of our times and prepared to spread the Gospel far and wide.” (Message to the Youth of the World on the Occasion of the 21st WYD.) They have both called for a culture of Pentecost.
So What Are We Doing?
Our goal is to foster a culture of Pentecost. We want to introduce everyone to life in the power of the Holy Spirit. For those who already have received baptism in the Spirit, we want to help them to grow in union with the Lord and in the use of the charismatic gifts. Our infinite God always has “more” for us; let us receive all that He wants to give!
We are putting together a Friday night lineup of Mass, classes on growing in the Spirit, and the parish prayer meeting. The Masses and prayer meetings are already in place. The classes will begin on Friday, October 5, 2012 and continue to be offered during the school year.
To introduce people to baptism in the Spirit, we will offer the 7-week Life in the Spirit Seminar. To strengthen life in the Spirit, we will offer an 7-week renovated version of the Basic Christian Maturity Course. It is called “Foundations for Catholic Living”. Topics include Loving God, Guidance, The World & Christian Community, Overcoming the Flesh, and Overcoming the Work of Evil Spirits.
In early 2013 we plan to offer a new course on the 9 charismatic gifts and how to use them. It is currently being developed; please pray for wisdom and guidance in this process.
We would like to make the prayer meetings places where people can grow even further in life in the Spirit and use the charismatic gifts. We are expanding the music groups, integrating more contemporary music while keeping the perennial favorites, and improving the quality of music overall so that we can enter into deeper worship of our King.
Prayer ministry is also becoming a significant part of the prayer meetings. Requests for prayer ministry have been increasing, and many are experiencing the Lord’s love through it. It is an ideal opportunity for prayer ministers to exercise the charismatic gifts as they pray over individuals and families.
As this ministry grows and develops, we will be reaching out to “younger generations”, particularly those in their 20s-30s. Teens already have access to many resources to grow in their faith, but there are noticeably few young adults in Catholic charismatic circles. Our events will be open to anyone of any age who would like to attend, but we will be gearing advertising and outreach particularly toward this “younger generation”.
Doug and I continue to meet regularly with Dcn. Dan and Dolly Foley and Dr. Mary Healy as we develop this ministry. We all are working with Fr. Ed Fride and the staff of CTK to facilitate these events.
What Does This Mean For You?
Please pray about how the Lord would like you to become involved. Come to Mass at 5:30pm on Fridays. Join in praise and worship at the 7:45pm-9:00pm prayer meetings each week. Consider becoming a volunteer.
Needless to say, this is a huge endeavor, and volunteers are the ones who will make it possible. We need volunteers in these areas:
-Music – playing an instrument or singing
-Sound/video techs – making these events audible and visible
-Prayer ministers – praying with prayer meeting attendees; training will be provided
-Small group leaders – facilitate discussions during the classes
-Intercessor prayer team – pray daily for this ministry; without prayer none of this will happen
-Administrative support – transcribe prophecies from the prayer meetings; data entry; stuff bulletins; help with various other administrative needs
-Hospitality – welcome attendees; serve refreshments after the prayer meetings
-Meal teams – serve simple meals to those taking the classes; set up and take down classrooms
-Promotions/communications – help get the word out
If you would like to volunteer, click here to fill out a Volunteer Form. If you have any questions, email
We welcome your feedback and suggestions as well. And of course, please pray this ministry to grow according to the Spirit’s leading and to be a blessing to many. Thank you!
Update – August 2018
The Holy Spirit has worked tremendously in the years since the above was written! Upper Room has been a place of welcome and rejoicing, deep prayer and healing, for hundreds of people. Currently Christ the King Parish is restructuring its ministries, including Upper Room, to coordinate with the broader Game Plan. Please see our Event Calendar for a current schedule of events.
We will keep you posted as the transition proceeds. If you have any questions, please email
Come, Holy Spirit
Please join us in praying this prayer regularly for Upper Room, the Diocese of Lansing, and the Church throughout the world.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations through Christ our Lord. Amen.