Mark your calendars for a special event taking place on Friday evening, April 27, at Christ the King! Shalom World, an international Catholic charismatic media company, has invited Upper Room to partner with them for their monthly program, Night Vigil: A Trinitarian Night of Miracles.
This event will combine Upper Room’s Praise & Worship with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a talk by Caroline Gambale-Dirkes, testimony, and intercession for Christians who are being persecuted around the world. Director of Worship Martin Doman will lead worship.
Night Vigil will be taped on April 27 and broadcast the following Friday, May 4. Important: Your entrance to this event is your consent to appear in this international broadcast.
Please arrive by 7:20 pm so as to be in your seats when the event and taping begin at 7:30 pm. The event will last approximately 2-3 hours.
For more information, read the article that appeared in the April issue of The Open Door. Questions? Contact Christy Whiting (734-929-0982 or