Praise music isn’t usually associated with Lent. Somber, penitential music comes to the fore during this season, and for good reason. The purpose of Lent is to remind us of our need for a Savior and to prepare our hearts for Jesus. Sober repentance is necessary.
But that doesn’t mean we should stop praising Him. In fact, it is because of God’s mercy that we should praise Him, as we’re reminded in one of this week’s Mass readings: “Sing out, O heavens, and rejoice, O earth, break forth into song, you mountains. For the LORD comforts His people and shows mercy to His afflicted” (Is 49:13).
Praise is always in season. In the midst of everything else in our lives, it focuses us on God. We need this, and this is one of the purposes of Lent – to refocus on God. And when we do so, we continually find that we are able to receive Jesus’ words and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Isn’t this why Jesus died for us? He died precisely so that we could enter into life with Him! Praise the Lord!
As in our past DIY Praise & Worship posts, below are three simple steps and a set of songs to jumpstart your worship.
I recommend setting aside at least half an hour in order to enter deeply into prayer and receive what the Lord has for you. Turn off the ringer on your phone and get a pen and paper (for Steps 2 and 3).
Step 1:
Begin in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Recognize that you are in His presence! Begin to praise Him. Between songs, let your own words of worship flow out in English and/or in tongues.
Blessed Be Your Name
At The Cross (Love Ran Red)
The Stand
Lord, I Need You
Step 2:
Worship will lead you into contemplation. Sit with the Lord. Allow Him to speak to you. Write down what He says to you or what He does in your heart. Writing will help you focus to receive what He has for you.
Step 3:
Respond to what the Lord said or did in Step 2. What will you do with what He has just given you? How can you thank Him? Writing down your response will help you to remember it and to act on it.
Enjoy your time with Jesus. He wants nothing more than to be with you!
By Christy Whiting, Upper Room Director